Expenditure and Creditors

5.1 Ordering and Payment of Goods and Services

5.1.1 Orders shall only be placed in accordance with the University Procurement Policy, unless the Head of Procurement & Purchasing has granted specific dispensation.

5.1.2 No officer or employee of the University shall requisition work to be undertaken or goods to be supplied which are outside of their authority as defined by the Scheme of Financial Delegated Authorities.

5.1.3 No officer or employee of the University shall requisition work to be undertaken or goods to be supplied which cannot be funded from within the relevant allocated budget.

5.1.4 Officers and employees shall not make use of official orders or University funds to obtain goods and services for private purposes.

5.1.5 Payment of suppliers is controlled by the Chief Finance Officer and in accordance with Finance Department policies and procedures.

5.2 Non-Pay Revenue Expenditure

5.2.1 Heads of Professional Service/College are responsible for containing expenditure within the allocated budget. In exercising this responsibility they have discretion to delegate to other members of staff within the budget unit. Delegated authority should not exceed the levels specified in the Scheme of Delegated Financial Authorities.

5.2.2 Where it is anticipated that the budget allocated to the Head of College/Professional Service may be overspent or the agreed amount of any income may not be reached by more than 5% of budget, it is the duty of the Head of College/Professional Service to inform the Chief Finance Officer immediately.

5.2.3 Unspent revenue budgets may not be carried forward from one accounting period to the next unless specifically approved by the Chief Finance Officer.

5.2.4 The entering in to leasing agreements and any other continuing liability (exceeding one year) should follow the rules set out under Section 3.4 (Contracts) and the Scheme of Delegated Financial Authorities within these Financial Regulations.

5.2.5 Any rental or leasing contracts for land or buildings that exceed three years in length should be approved by the Board of Governors.

5.3 Capital Expenditure

5.3.1 The University shall not commit to buying, developing or constructing any land or buildings without the approval of Board of Governors.

5.3.2 Capital expenditure proposals shall be approved by the Board of Governors in accordance with the University Five Year Plan and shall be evaluated using investment appraisal techniques.

5.3.3 Capital contracts shall be subject to competitive tendering procedures as required by the University Procurement Policy and comply with the relevant EU Procurement directives and any provisions required by capital grant donors.

5.3.4 The Director of Estates & Commercial Facilities is responsible for the management and monitoring of all fixed asset developments together with the on-going maintenance of fixed assets. All alterations and extensions to University buildings shall be controlled by Estates & Commercial Facilities.

5.3.5 Virements between individual capital projects and between capital and revenue budgets shall be approved as set out in the Scheme of Delegated Financial Authorities.

5.3.6 Post-completion appraisals shall be provided by the Director of Estates & Commercial Facilities to the Board of Governors as soon as practicable after completion for all projects of more than £2m.

5.4 Appointment and Payments to Employees

5.4.1 Employees, including members of the Senior Management Team who are appointed by the Board of Governors, may only be appointed in accordance with the procedures established by the Director of Human Resources.

5.4.2 The payment of salaries and wages and other emoluments shall be made by the Director of Human Resources or under arrangements approved and controlled by them.

5.4.3 All payments to employees shall be processed by the Human Resources Department.

5.4.4 The Director of Human Resources is responsible for all payroll deduction payments and for informing the appropriate authorities of such payments.

5.4.5 All expense claims shall be submitted in accordance with the appropriate University Expenses Policy. Where an officer or employee has been issued with a University Expense card this must be operated in full accordance with the Expense Card Policy.

5.4.6 Severance payments shall only be made in accordance with relevant legislation and under a scheme or a proposal approved by the Senior Management Team under the oversight of the Remuneration Committee. All such payments shall be approved in accordance with the Scheme of Delegated Financial Authority.

5.4.7 The Board of Governors is responsible for undertaking the role of employer in relation to appropriate pension arrangements for employee. The Director of Human Resources is responsible for day-to-day superannuation matters including the payment of contributions to various authorised superannuation schemes, administering eligibility and preparing the annual return to various superannuation schemes.

5.4.8 The Director of Human Resources is responsible for the Statement of Policy on the Local Government Pension Scheme.

5.4.9 All matters regarding pension scheme accounting and pension scheme valuation are the responsibility of the Chief Finance Officer.

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